Prayer for Holding onto God’s Goodness (Psalm 16)

O God, I cry out to You in my distress, For You alone are my refuge and my strength. In You, I find solace and security, For apart from You, I am nothing.

Lord, You are my everything, My only hope in times of trouble. You alone are my source of goodness, And in You, I place my trust.

I have no good apart from You, O Lord, For You are the giver of every blessing. In Your presence, there is fullness of joy, And at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Guide me, O God, in Your ways, And lead me along paths of righteousness. Help me to cling to You in desperation, Knowing that You alone can satisfy my soul.

In the midst of my trials and tribulations, I will lift my voice in praise to You, O Lord. For You are my rock and my salvation, And in You, I find strength and refuge.

May my heart be filled with gratitude, And my soul be overwhelmed with Your goodness. For You are the source of everything good, And in You, I find my hope and my salvation.


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