We Bought a House

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns; moments of defeat and delight that shape our journeys in ways we never imagined.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d become the pastor of a small country church. Nor did I envision living in a cozy house nestled in a forest of trees, just a stone’s throw from the serene waters of Table Rock Lake. God’s plan is truly remarkable.

The past six months have been a testament to God’s guidance. It began when I sensed my season at FBC Springfield was drawing to a close. The realization was bittersweet, filled with uncertainty and hope. During this time, two churches reached out to me, and I even became a finalist for another. I turned down the two offers and withdrew from the third, feeling in my heart that God had something else in store.

Then came the house—a distressed property south of Reeds Spring. The first time Joy and I walked through it, we were overwhelmed. Joy said there was no way we would ever buy it. But as weeks passed, the memory of its condition faded, and the owner dropped the price. We decided to take a leap of faith and bought it. On closing day, Joy cried, convinced we had made a colossal mistake. I prayed she was wrong.

From that moment, our lives became a whirlwind of renovation. We replaced outside siding, ripped out the floor and subfloor, reinsulated the entire structure, caulked every seam, and fixed the well. We installed new cabinets and appliances in the kitchen, and redid the drywall and electrical in seventy-five percent of the house. New texture and paint went up. The roof, thankfully, was new, installed by the previous owner. We battled rats, ants, mice, cluster flies, and spiders. Every day brought new challenges, but slowly, the house began to transform. Though it is still far from complete it is going to work out.

Our new home came with five neighbors, each more welcoming than the last. It felt like we had stumbled upon a hidden paradise. The loudest sound now was the cicadas’ hum—a stark contrast to the constant noise of Sunshine Street in Springfield.

With the house purchased, I turned to prayer, seeking God’s guidance. I enrolled in the NAMB church planting process, considering secular work while planning to plant a church in Reeds Spring. We needed a church home close by, so I began searching. Then we discovered Cedar Ridge Baptist Church, just a few miles from our new home. The first live feed we watched announced the retirement of their beloved, long-tenured pastor. It felt like a sign—why plant a new church when God had already provided a congregation?

Excitement surged through me. I felt an overwhelming sense of purpose and direction. The twists and turns of life, though often bewildering, are part of God’s sovereign plan. They are not always easy or expected, but they always lead us to where we need to be.

Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

This verse resonates deeply with me, affirming that God’s timing is perfect and His plans, though mysterious, are always for our ultimate good.

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